March 29, 2011

time to go.

finally. I'm breaking out the old suitcases and packing list - and can I just say how excited I am? pretty stoked. My team over in Kenya needs some backup, and I'm getting on a plane in less than 48 hours... of course instead of packing, I'm sitting here like a lady of leisure and typing away on a blog. Foolish. I admit I'm slightly daunted by the idea of getting ready so quickly - it's been 8 months since I've been on a plane, and I'm not sure I even remember how to travel any more. yikes. I'm headed to sunshine, dust, rainstorms, crime, crazy hard work, a mish-mash of horrifying and delicious food, and I can't wait. just get me on the plane already! am trying to avoid thinking about doing my taxes for now... I should be back in time, but you never know. maybe I can wake up at 6 a.m. on Wednesday and do them. so, is anybody out in Kenya right now? I'd love to meet up!

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