March 13, 2010

tip #84

don't travel sick. just don't do it.

I was supposed to leave Thursday night for my Kenya trip - but Wednesday evening found me doubled over, blacked out, bruised, aching, feverish, and generally not ready to travel. Thankfully I have smart coworkers and friends who all told me the same thing - 'Go back to bed, and don't even think about getting on that plane!'

The next day, I felt better - but still not quite up-to-snuff, as they say. Thankfully (again), everyone said the same thing, 'Wait until you're 24 hours symptom-free.' I have such good advisors. They all knew what I had deliriously forgotten - nobody else wants sick Abigail on the plane either. ew.

So now, I am almost back to 100% (although let's be honest - tonight's dinner is sitting like a rock in my stomach) - and I'm supposed to leave on Sunday night. I'm feeling a bit nervous about getting myself through the 21 hour trip to Africa, but hopefully all will go smoothly. Updates to come from Nairobi!

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