April 23, 2012

sad day

Three things broke my heart today:
1. Churches in Khartoum were burned to the ground over the weekend.  Racial and religious hate crimes - against places that also serve as hospitals and schools.
2. My friend sent me this picture - "Kony 2012" spray painted on the memorial for victims of the Boston massacre.  It actually makes me physically ill to look at it:

3. I've mentioned before how people always answer their phones in the middle of meetings - it's totally annoying, and bordering on rude.... but everyone expects you to answer your phone at all hours.  Well, late, late last night and then again early this morning I was awoken by a phone call which I ignored.  Later I talked to this friend - she got beaten up yesterday.  This is why you always answer your phone in post-conflict Africa.

It's not about feeling like this world is too dark, it's about having hope... I don't see a lot of it out there, but I don't know everything.

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